full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Bill Gates: The innovations we need to avoid a climate disaster

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Gates: Well, the greenhouse gases we put into the atmosphere, particularly CO2, stay there for tuhndsoas of years. And so it's really the sum of all those emissions are forcing the temperature hgiher and higher, which will have disastrous effects. And so we have to take these eisosinms, which are presently over 51 biiolln tons per year and drive those all the way down to zero. And that's when the temperature will stop increasing and the disastrous weather entves won't get worse and worse. So it's pretty demanding. It's not a 50 percent reduction. It's all the way down to zero.

Open Cloze

Gates: Well, the greenhouse gases we put into the atmosphere, particularly CO2, stay there for _________ of years. And so it's really the sum of all those emissions are forcing the temperature ______ and higher, which will have disastrous effects. And so we have to take these _________, which are presently over 51 _______ tons per year and drive those all the way down to zero. And that's when the temperature will stop increasing and the disastrous weather ______ won't get worse and worse. So it's pretty demanding. It's not a 50 percent reduction. It's all the way down to zero.


  1. higher
  2. events
  3. billion
  4. emissions
  5. thousands

Original Text

Gates: Well, the greenhouse gases we put into the atmosphere, particularly CO2, stay there for thousands of years. And so it's really the sum of all those emissions are forcing the temperature higher and higher, which will have disastrous effects. And so we have to take these emissions, which are presently over 51 billion tons per year and drive those all the way down to zero. And that's when the temperature will stop increasing and the disastrous weather events won't get worse and worse. So it's pretty demanding. It's not a 50 percent reduction. It's all the way down to zero.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
green premium 14
natural gas 5
green products 5
green hydrogen 5
aviation fuel 5
breakthrough energy 4
green aviation 4
fossil fuel 4
climate change 3
passenger cars 3
rich countries 3
fossil fuels 3
aviation biofuels 3
greenhouse gas 3
gas emissions 3
imperfect messenger 2
carbon footprint 2
percent reduction 2
industrial economy 2
main focus 2
stop making 2
younger generation 2
artificial meat 2
super important 2
green steel 2
young people 2
short clip 2
youtube channel 2
private sector 2
learning curve 2
clean energy 2
direct carbon 2
gold standard 2
carbon capture 2
direct air 2
air capture 2
biggest individual 2
individual customer 2
green premiums 2
individual citizens 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
green aviation fuel 3
greenhouse gas emissions 3
direct air capture 2
biggest individual customer 2

Important Words

  1. atmosphere
  2. billion
  3. demanding
  4. disastrous
  5. drive
  6. effects
  7. emissions
  8. events
  9. forcing
  10. gases
  11. greenhouse
  12. higher
  13. increasing
  14. percent
  15. presently
  16. pretty
  17. put
  18. reduction
  19. stay
  20. stop
  21. sum
  22. temperature
  23. thousands
  24. tons
  25. weather
  26. worse
  27. year
  28. years